B i o g r a p h y
Kleopas is a self-taught Greek cosmopolite musician. He has traveled, lived and played his compositions out of Greece in countries such as China, Thailand , India, Japan, France, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Cyprus...
He is a Composer as well as a Singer and he plays the Apollon's Ancient Greek lyre ,the guitar and the bouzouki. Listening to Kleopas' melodies one can understand his Greek origins as well as his deep love for world music.
Professional experience
In February together with George Livanos they tour around
Germany and Poland.
In April he performs in Texas Eclipse Festival in Burnet.
In May 2024 he participates again in Braga Romana festival
in Portugal.In
In July he performs in Cosmic Convergence festival in Austria
as well as in the cultural events of the municipality of Keratsini in
In August he performs at the Colibri Spirit festival in Corfu.
In September he performs in Thermopylea as part of the cultural events of the municipality of Lamia where together with his band they accompany the legendary singer of Greek folk music Giota vei.
In October he plays for the inauguration of the 15th anniversary
of the German Archaeological Institute in the presence of the German President of the Republic Mr Steinmeier.
In December together with Theodoros Koumartzis they perform
in the National Archaeological museum in Athens.
In the course of 2023 he developed a new performance called : a Greek music Odyssey through time and space. It starts with the world's oldest written song " The Epitaph of
Seikilos " , passes through the music traditions of mountains and seas and reaching to the present day with some of his own compositions.
Among other places this performance was presented at the Symposium Cultural Center for Music and Mythology in Santorini.
In September 14th 2023 , Kleopas was chosen to be the Greek Ambassador of music at the BEIJING CULTURAL FORUM a
huge national event at which the Chinese Prime Minister was assisting. There , he shared the stage with some of the most renowned musicians from Irak , India, Egypt...not to mention Dr Fang, China's uppermost World music artist.
In the meantime, Kleopas's circle of students for the lyre and for singing is growing as well as his Greek and international
acknowledgment. He is on the teachers of Greek Lyre Academy and will be offering classes at the 2024 international
Lyre school organized in the island of Aegina in June.
In May 2022, together with Apostolos Preponis, Kleopas represented Greece at the Internetional Festival "Braga Romana" in the Portugese city of Braga.
In June 2022, Kleopas opened with his music the Congress of the political party Democratic Alarm in Cyprus.
The same month, he performed with Preponis at the Symposium Cultural Center for Music and Mythology in Santorini.
In July 2022, he took part in the Festival for Alternative Therapies and Music "Eftopia" in the mountains of Nafpaktia.
In 2019, Kleopas started a collaboration, Synapsys, with violin and yayli tabour player, Apostolos Preponis. Together they successfully toured in different cities of Germany in the spring of 2019 .
On July 6th 2019, in Sciacca Sicily, he played some of his
compositions on the lyra, accompanied by 9 dancers at the 4 day event of DOLCE & GABBANA Fashion Show, Alta Sartori.
On May 2018, he opened with his lyre the 2nd Olympic Seed Festival in Greece and he also took part in a Lyre festival in Drama with lyre players from all over Greece.
The same year, he was invited with his lyre at the Seed Exchange Festival in Nicosia, Cyprus.
On June 21st 2018, in Santorini island, he performed
with his lyra at a meditation during a yoga seminar organized by the world famous yoga teacher Shiva Rea.
In the summer of 2017, Kleopas took part in the International Festival of Heraklion, Crete, "5+1 Civilizations".
Since 2017, he has been regularly playing lyre and singing at the Autistic Center Elpida in Thessaloniki, with great results in the psychic health of the children.
In 2016, Kleopas played with his lyre at the International Trial against Monsanto which took place in the Hague in the presence of Dr. Vandana Shiva.
In 1996, during one of his trips to Thailand, Kleopas met with Alban Marc "Snoopy", ex drummer of the 60's American cult band "LOVE" and their friendship led to the realization in 2002 in Athens of an album called "Snoopy's Love".
In 2000, he created the band NAMASTE with whom he performed in renowned clubs of Greece and at festivals such as the Ethnic-Jazz Festival "Dimitria" in Thessaloniki and the International Festival of Ohrid.
Besides, from 2007 to 2018, Namaste was the most beloved band of Santorini island.
Kleopas is also deeply involved with the Seed Freedom Movement which is embodied in Greece by the organization "PELITI". For this reason, he has been volunteering his music for the last 10 years to the Seed Exchange Festivals organized by Peliti every year around Easter time.
In 2014, Namaste took part in the International Caravan for Seed Freedom which traveled from Greece to France. They met there with members of the German Seed Movement and as a result, Namaste performed for 3 consecutive years at the Nuremberg Seed Exchange Festival.
2007 Namaste by Namaste
2008 Feeling by Namaste
2012 Shores of the soul by Namaste
2016 Ubuntu by Namaste
2017 Wandering Melodist by Kleopas
2020 Kleopas Synapsys